Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Containing Multitudes

Larry Wolf, Still Point (Eric) (2024)

You look at me across the two-top, across a quarter century, unguarded moments in the bubble of our relationship, your presence an anchor in the swirl of activity. We hold each other in our gaze, two men, our lives entwined.

Something fresh emerges in the layering of memories—mundane moments, shared meals, waiting for trains or traveling on planes, a pause of connection.

This  image contains multitudes: 37,260,000 pixels from 79 portraits. Light and shadow from times once present, now recalled, photons through a lens, electrons crafted with software, eyes on a screen, hands on a keyboard, ink on paper. 

[in Devotion: A Queer Photography Exhibition, curated by Taylor Roberts and Grace Coudal, Latitude Chicago, June 22 - July 13, 2024

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