Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Almost Happy

Larry Wolf, Spring (2024)


Hampir, the Indonesian for almost, only a letter away from vampir -- the bloodsucking demon.

What does it mean to be happy? Also, what does it mean to be almost happy?

To almost get in, to be almost accepted, to be almost there, but, at the same time, to be not there/accepted/in.

So, in a world where we celebrate disneyfied heterosexualities, for queer folks, what is happiness?

Often, it becomes the bloodsucking demon, the vampir, the hampir.

Translated by Tiffany Tsao

Monday, April 22, 2024

Henry Hamilton Bennett (1843-1908)

Henry Hamilton Bennett in Aperture #94 (1984)

Henry Hamilton Bennett in Aperture #94 (1984)

Henry Hamilton Bennett in Aperture #94 (1984)

Henry Hamilton Bennett in Aperture #94 (1984)

David A. Hanson, Song From A Century Before, Aperture #94, Spring 1984

Wisconsin Historical Society - H. H. Bennett Photographer

Wisconsin Historical Society - H. H. Bennett Archive


Anaglyph by Michael Verdi (2024)

Anaglyph by Michael Verdi (2024)

Anaglyph by Michael Verdi (2024)

Anaglyph by Michael Verdi (2024)

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Viewing mpo ‪1,824 x 1,368‬

Larry Wolf, Ravenswood as jpg (2024)

Larry Wolf, Ravenswood as anaglyph (2024)

Larry Wolf, Ravenswood as lenticular (2024)

Larry Wolf, Ravenswood as side-by-side (2024)

Help from a Friend

Hey Larry,
Did I not send you the link to the StereoPhoto Maker software? I’m sorry. You can get it here https://stereo.jpn.org/eng/stphmkr/mac/index.html but it’s kind of pain to install. You might just use Photoshop. I made a video for you about all of it - https://wtf.verdi.space/video/mpo-files.mp4

Sunday, April 14, 2024

David Photostrip

David Wojnarowicz, Photostrip (1981?)
In the Shadow of the American Dream 
The Diaries of David Wojnarowicz 1971 - 1991 (2000)

"So while waiting for the coffee to make its way to the counter, I stepped over to the phone and rang up Jesse. Zoe answered ... I'm making nude photographs of Jesse. Are you coming over? I'll make photographs of you, too ...

"I laughed and said I wasn't sure, I was just sitting down to coffee, and she said Well I'm hideously depressed and so is Jesse and we're drowning in each other's sorrows, but we're doing art, I'm taking pictures, why don't you have your coffee and then come over? ...

"Look, I said hugging her. I don't understand why you people feel depressed. I've been walking around all day feeling extremely happy. I mean there's so much great stuff in living, there's so much to see and do and feel great about (I was beginning to disbelieve myself, explaining it, verbalizing it wasn't the same as feeling it, it was more personal). "

[pages 187-191]

Monday, April 8, 2024

Dawn on Clark - Monday

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Friday, April 5, 2024

Dawn on Clark Street - Additional Walks in Shades of Grey

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street - Chase Park (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street - Full Kit Gear/Meeting House (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street - Full Kit Gear/Graham Crackers Comics (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street - SoFo Tap/Banana Video (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street - St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery (2024)

Larry Wolf, Dawn on Clark Street - St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery (2024)